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Global Images Hologram Art Collection
Mike Medora
Hologram artist
By Mike Medora hologram artist - 4” x 5” Reflection hologram ed. 2/19 - 1988
”New York New York”
By Mike Medora hologram artist - 30cm x 40cm Reflection hologram - 1988
“Gabriel's Palette”
By Mike Medora hologram artist - 8” x 10” Reflection hologram ed.1/19 - 1987
Mike was a early proponent of pseudo multiple colour holography, winning enthusiastic support from curaters and collectors.
An aficionado of music and dance his works often portrayed 'living life happily.'
He demonstrates in his hologram art work a subtle delicacy of colour seldom achieved.
For further info about Mike's current work, please see his website at
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